Great Business Ideas for Entrepreneurs in 2023

Are you an entrepreneur looking for the perfect business idea to start in 2023? With the current state of the world, it's more important than ever to find a business idea that suits your skills and passions. Whether you’re a handyman looking to provide services to your local community, a woodworker wanting to create beautiful pieces of furniture, or a freelance developer looking to work remotely, there’s a business idea out there for you. In this article, we’ll explore six great business ideas for entrepreneurs in 2023, including a handyman, woodworker, online dating consultant, sewing and alteration specialist, freelance developer, and personal trainer. Read on to find out more about each of these business ideas and how to get started.


If you’re looking for a great business idea to pursue in 2023, consider becoming a handyman. This line of work provides an opportunity to use your skills and expertise to help people with their day-to-day needs, from basic repairs and maintenance tasks to more complex jobs that require specialized knowledge. As the demand for qualified handymen continues to rise, this could be an ideal business venture for entrepreneurs looking for steady income and job security.

To become a successful handyman, you must possess a variety of skills such as plumbing, electrical work, carpentry, masonry and painting. You should also have knowledge of local building codes and regulations. It’s important that you develop strong customer service skills as well since you will be interacting with clients on a daily basis. Additionally, being organized is key since many jobs may require multiple trips or visits in order to get them done correctly.

Having the right tools is also essential when working in the handyman industry. Investing in quality tools that are designed specifically for your trade can save time and money while helping you provide better service to your customers. Additionally, having access to larger items such as ladders or scaffolding can also come in handy when taking on bigger jobs.

As technology advances, so does the need for skilled professionals who are able to keep up with changing trends. For example, many homeowners today are looking for alternative energy solutions such as solar panel installation or efficient home automation systems – both of which require special training and certification from the proper authorities before they can be installed professionally. By staying current with the latest developments in your field, you will stay ahead of potential competitors and ensure that customers always have access to reliable services from a knowledgeable source.


Are you a creative person with an entrepreneurial spirit? Aspiring woodworkers may find plenty of opportunities to launch their own businesses in 2023. The global furniture and wood products industry is expected to grow by 5.3% annually through 2022, providing countless opportunities for entrepreneurs with the skills required to make beautiful pieces of furniture.

Woodworking presents a unique business opportunity, as it allows entrepreneurs to combine their creativity with their technical knowledge and craftsmanship. Whether you’re interested in making custom furniture or creating wooden sculptures, woodworking can be a lucrative venture for those who are willing to put in the time and effort.

To get started in the woodworking business, first determine your target market. Consider who will be purchasing your products: Are you selling to individuals or businesses? This should help inform your product line and pricing strategies. You should also consider what types of products you want to make—are you creating end tables, desks, cabinets, or something else entirely? It’s important to have a good understanding of the type of furniture that sells best in your area before jumping into this venture.

Once you’ve identified an appropriate target market and determined what type of items you plan on making, begin honing your skills by taking classes or attending workshops at local community centers or online. If possible, connect with local artisans who specialize in woodworking and see if they would be willing to mentor you as well—this could give you invaluable insight into the industry that could help set up your business for success long-term. Additionally, research necessary equipment such as saws and other tools needed for production; look into ways you can acquire them cost-effectively so that production costs don’t eat away at profits too quickly.

Finally, create a website or social media presence so potential customers can find out more about your work and contact information if they have further questions or would like to purchase from you directly. With some hard work and dedication throughout 2023 (and beyond!), aspiring woodworkers should have no problem setting up their own successful small businesses this year!

Online Dating Consultant

The emergence of online dating has created a new opportunity for entrepreneurs to become experts in the field and provide helpful advice to those looking for love. As an online dating consultant, you will work with clients one-on-one or in a group setting to help them create successful profiles, craft compelling messages, and navigate the world of dating apps. You’ll also guide clients on how to properly utilize all features of the most popular apps and websites.

To become an effective online dating consultant, you must be knowledgeable about both the technical aspects of using these platforms as well as their potential pitfalls. You should also be able to effectively communicate with your clients and understand their needs and expectations. It is essential that you build trust with your clients so they feel comfortable talking about their experiences and sharing any problems they are having.

In addition to providing advice on writing great bios, sending attractive messages, and choosing compatible partners, you should have a good understanding of personal branding. This means knowing how to create an attractive profile that highlights your client’s strengths while still remaining honest about who they are. You should also be able to help them find ways to stand out from other users on the platform by suggesting unique interests or activities that make them memorable.

Finally, it is important for you as an online dating consultant to stay up-to-date with trends in the industry so that you can provide accurate advice based on current best practices. The more informed you are about changes in the industry, such as new features or updates from popular apps like Tinder or Bumble, the better able you will be at helping your clients succeed in finding love online in 2023!

Sewing and Alteration Specialist

In 2023, sewing and alteration specialists will be in high demand for entrepreneurs looking to start a small business. The skills required to become a successful specialist include an understanding of sewing machines and the ability to accurately measure people’s clothing sizes. Additionally, entrepreneurs should be knowledgeable about different fabrics and their properties, as well as have experience in pattern making and design.

For those just starting out, it is best to begin with basic services such as hemming or mending clothes. As their business grows, so can the types of services offered; for example, entrepreneurs may offer custom clothing designs or alterations for special occasions such as weddings. It is also important that specialists stay up-to-date on trends in fashion so they can provide their customers with the most current styles and looks.

To promote their businesses, sewing and alteration specialists should create a website or social media presence where they display examples of their work. Additionally, they should network with other professionals in the industry and look into joining professional organizations that can help them connect with potential clients. Specialists may also consider offering discounts or promotional deals to attract more customers.

Starting a small business as a sewing and alteration specialist is an excellent opportunity for entrepreneurs who are passionate about fashion in 2023. With hard work and dedication, these individuals can turn their hobby into a thriving business venture this year!

Freelance Developer

Freelance developers are in high demand for entrepreneurs looking to start their own businesses in 2023. To become successful as a freelance developer, individuals must have an in-depth knowledge of coding languages and platforms such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React. Additionally, they should have experience with popular content management systems such as WordPress and Drupal. They should also have excellent communication and problem solving skills so they can effectively work with clients while creating user-friendly websites.

To get started, aspiring freelance developers should create a portfolio website that showcases their work and abilities. This will help them attract potential clients and provide proof of their technical skills. They should also look into joining professional organizations such as the International Web Association or the Web Developers Guild to network with other professionals in the industry. Additionally, it is important for freelancers to stay up-to-date on trends in technology so they can remain competitive within an ever-evolving field. With hard work and dedication, entrepreneurs should be able to successfully launch their business this year.

Personal Trainer

Personal trainers provide specialized fitness instruction and guidance to those looking to improve their physical health. In 2023, personal trainers will be in high demand for entrepreneurs looking to start a small business. To become successful, these individuals should have an in-depth knowledge of anatomy and exercise physiology, as well as certification from an accredited program. Additionally, they should be familiar with nutrition and have the ability to create personalized workout plans based on individual needs.

To get started, aspiring personal trainers should research local gyms and health clubs that offer freelance positions or independent contracts. They should also look into joining professional organizations such as the American Council on Exercise or the National Strength & Conditioning Association so they can stay up-to-date on current trends in fitness. It is also important to create a website or social media presence that showcases their skills so they can reach more potential clients. With hard work and dedication, entrepreneurs should be able to successfully launch their business this year.

Freelance Graphic Designer

Freelance graphic designers are in high demand, especially as more businesses look to outsource design work. A freelance graphic designer is a creative professional who specializes in creating visuals that tell stories and engage audiences. This could include anything from designing logos, flyers, brochures, websites, and much more.

For entrepreneurs looking to get into the industry, there’s never been a better time than now to become a freelance graphic designer. With the right skills and tools, you can build a profitable business offering services to companies of all sizes.

The first step in becoming a freelance graphic designer is having an eye for visual design. You should have an understanding of colour theory, typography, composition and layout principles. It’s also important to have good knowledge of software like Adobe Illustrator (or similar), InDesign or Photoshop so that you can create professional-looking designs quickly and easily.

It’s also essential for entrepreneurs entering this industry to understand how to market their services effectively — something which will set them apart from their competition. Building a portfolio website or social media presence is key when getting started as it allows potential clients to see what kind of work you do and how well you do it. Additionally, networking with local businesses and attending events related to your field can help build relationships with potential customers who may be interested in hiring your services.

Finally, being able to communicate well with clients is essential for success as a freelance graphic designer since they will rely on you for advice on how best to achieve their desired results through visual communication methods such as logos or marketing materials. Having strong problem solving skills along with the ability to deliver projects on time are also important traits that will help ensure success in this field — characteristics which any entrepreneur should strive for regardless of what industry they enter into!

Life/ Career Coach

For the entrepreneur who is looking for a business idea in 2023, life/career coaching may be the perfect fit. In a world of constant change and increasing competition, having a personal coach to help you make sense of your career and life goals can be invaluable.

Life/career coaching is all about helping individuals identify their talents and strengths, set achievable goals, overcome obstacles, and make progress towards achieving their objectives. A career coach can work with clients on everything from choosing an educational path or career trajectory to finding success in the workplace and developing leadership skills.

A life/career coach provides clients with the tools they need to make decisions that are right for them, as well as giving them the necessary support to stay motivated and focused on their journey. The goal of this type of coaching is to help people develop confidence in themselves so that they can take ownership of their life choices and create a lifestyle that works best for them.

When it comes to starting a business based on life/career coaching, there are many different ways to structure it. You could offer one-on-one sessions with clients or create online courses or webinars. Additionally, you could also create content such as ebooks or articles related to topics like self-growth, personal development, job search strategies, etc., which can be sold online or through digital platforms such as Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP).

In addition to providing guidance for clients through individualized services or group programs, you could also focus on creating workshops or seminars that provide information about industry trends or new technologies related to career advancement. These events could also serve as networking opportunities where professionals from different fields come together to share experiences and gain valuable insight into how they might advance professionally in 2023.

Resume Writer

In 2023, resume writing services will be in high demand for entrepreneurs looking to make a career change or advance their current role. A professional resume writer can help clients create a compelling and effective résumé that showcases their experience and qualifications. The resume writer should have an understanding of the current job market, industry trends, and what employers are looking for in potential candidates.

A successful resume writing service should include a range of offerings such as one-on-one consultations to review existing resumes, complete resume development services for new job seekers, and even workshops on how to write an effective resume. Additionally, offering specialized services such as cover letter writing can help set your business apart from competitors. It’s also important to stay up-to-date on industry trends so you can provide clients with the most effective advice possible.

For entrepreneurs interested in offering this type of service, it’s important to have strong communication skills so you can effectively assess a client’s needs and objectives. It’s also useful to develop relationships with recruiters and hiring managers who may refer potential clients or provide valuable feedback about the effectiveness of your work. Finally, having a presence online is essential for promoting yourself through social media platforms and job boards like LinkedIn.

By providing quality services that meet the needs of professionals seeking career advancement, entrepreneurs in 2023 will find success by becoming résumé writers.

Freelance Writer

The freelance writing industry is set to be one of the most popular business ideas for entrepreneurs in 2023. As more businesses are shifting to digital formats, content creation and marketing services are becoming increasingly important. Those looking to start a career as a freelance writer should have excellent writing skills and be able to research topics quickly and accurately. Additionally, having a portfolio of previously published work can help potential clients see the quality and style of writing that you can produce.

When starting out, it’s important to create a website or blog where potential clients can find you and your portfolio. You may also want to join relevant online communities such as LinkedIn or Reddit where you can post samples of your work and find new opportunities. It’s also recommended that you specialize in specific niches or industries so that clients know they can trust your expertise on their projects.

When it comes to pricing, freelancers should consider charging per word or page rather than an hourly rate since this allows for more accurate budgeting for both parties involved. Having a clear contract outlining the scope of work, payment schedule, rights, deadlines, etc., is also essential when entering into any freelance agreement.

By leveraging their unique skill sets in 2023, entrepreneurs will be able to find success as freelance writers by creating compelling content for businesses across many different industries. By providing quality content that meets the needs of their customers while also delivering value-driven services at competitive prices, entrepreneurs will be able to develop relationships with long-term clients who need reliable assistance with ongoing projects throughout the year.


In 2023, landscaping services will be a great business idea for entrepreneurs with an eye for design and a passion for the outdoors. Landscapers provide both aesthetic and functional advantages to residential and commercial properties, making them a valuable asset. Given the rise of technology, landscape design has become increasingly sophisticated, meaning entrepreneurs must have knowledge in areas such as engineering, architecture, horticulture, and topography.

A successful landscaping business should offer a range of services beyond just mowing the lawn or planting shrubs. These could include creating custom outdoor living spaces like decks and patios; designing irrigation systems; building retaining walls or pathways; installing lighting fixtures; or even offering garden maintenance services such as weeding or pruning plants. To remain competitive in the industry, it’s important to stay up-to-date on new products and trends in the industry. Additionally, having a portfolio of past projects can help attract more clients.

To succeed as a landscaper in 2023, entrepreneurs should also focus on marketing their services effectively through online platforms such as social media and websites. Moreover, participating in local events such as home shows can help create awareness about one's business while providing opportunities to showcase one’s work. Lastly, pricing is also key: it’s important to set fair prices that reflect the quality of work performed while still being competitive with other businesses in the area. By offering quality services at competitive prices, entrepreneurs can develop long-term relationships with clients looking for landscaping solutions that add value to their property investments.


In 2023, videographers will be in high demand as businesses look to create engaging content for their websites and social media platforms. Whether shooting a wedding or a corporate event, an experienced videographer who knows how to capture the best angles and utilize creative lighting techniques can provide valuable services that attract clients.

A successful business plan for a videographer should include an understanding of the technical aspects of video production such as camera operation, editing software, audio recording, and post-production. Additionally, having knowledge of marketing strategies and being able to create promotional materials such as promotional videos will help draw customers in. Furthermore, creating relationships with local venues and vendors is also key for success in this industry.

When it comes to pricing, it’s important for entrepreneurs to set prices that accurately reflect the quality of work they deliver while still maintaining competitive rates compared to other businesses in the area. Additionally, offering packages that bundle services together can help attract more clients by providing them with greater value at a lower cost. For example, offering a package that includes pre-event consultation, day-of video coverage (including drone footage), editing services and final delivery within two weeks may be appealing to potential clients looking for comprehensive solutions at an affordable rate.

Overall, entrepreneurs who have knowledge of the latest trends in video production technology and are able to deliver quality results will find great success in this field come 2023. By utilizing creative marketing tactics and providing exceptional customer service along with their technical expertise, videographers can build strong relationships with their growing client base.


Photographers are some of the most creative entrepreneurs out there and the industry is expected to grow significantly in 2023. With advancements in technology, photography has become more accessible than ever before, allowing photographers to expand their reach and market their services to a larger audience. In addition, the advent of digital platforms like Instagram and YouTube have made it easier for aspiring photographers to showcase their work, build an online portfolio and network with potential clients.

The key to success for photographers-turned-entrepreneurs lies in understanding the needs of their target customers and delivering on those needs. For example, aspiring wedding photographers should know what brides are looking for in a photographer; commercial photographers should be up-to-date on the latest trends that businesses are looking for; and landscape photographers should understand how best to capture nature’s beauty. It’s also important for all types of photographers to stay up-to-date on the latest tools, techniques, software and hardware available so they can deliver high quality images that exceed customer expectations.

In addition to meeting customer needs through quality service delivery, being successful as a photographer also requires an understanding of business principles such as financial management, marketing and sales skills. Knowing how to price services competitively while still turning a profit is critical. Aspiring entrepreneurs must also be comfortable with self-promotion if they want to reach new clients or bookings. Understanding basic web design principles is also helpful if they plan on creating an online presence via websites or social media accounts like Instagram or Facebook.

Finally, it’s important for aspiring entrepreneurs who want to be successful in this field in 2023 understand that competition will only become more fierce as technology continues to evolve and make photography more accessible than ever before — so staying ahead of the game is essential if you want your business idea to take off.

Bed and Breakfast Owner

For the entrepreneurial-minded person looking to start a business in 2023, consider the bed and breakfast (B&B) industry. B&Bs are popular among travelers who seek unique lodging experiences, such as a home away from home. This type of hospitality business requires an individual or team with a passion for customer service, an eye for detail and an affinity for creating memorable guest moments.

Those interested in starting a B&B must first obtain the proper licenses and permits. Depending on the state and local regulations, these may include zoning permits for operating a business in residential areas, food handling certificates if serving meals to guests, and alcohol permits if offering alcoholic beverages. Those considering this industry should also be aware of potential risks associated with running a B&B such as liability insurance to cover any accidents that may occur on their property.

The success of any B&B will largely depend upon location. Establishing one’s business near popular tourist destinations has its advantages; however, it is important to remember that competition can be fierce in these locations— particularly during peak season—which can lead to lower prices and reduced occupancy rates. On the other hand, setting up shop outside well-known attractions could bring increased visibility through word-of-mouth referrals which could lead to higher occupancy rates over time.

In addition to location considerations, entrepreneurs should understand that marketing their services is key to attracting customers. Creating an online presence by establishing social media accounts or building a website can help drive visitors to their establishment while establishing relationships with local businesses can help build awareness of their property within the community they serve. Additionally, partnering with online travel agencies like Airbnb or can open up additional sources of income while providing guests with more options when booking accommodations at your establishment.

With so many factors involved in running a successful bed and breakfast business, those considering this venture should take into account all aspects involved before making any decisions about starting one up in 2023—from obtaining necessary licenses and permits to choosing which amenities will be offered at their property—in order to ensure long-term success for their enterprise.

Clothing Boutique Owner

As a clothing boutique owner in 2023, you have the opportunity to provide customers with unique, stylish clothing and accessories. Before embarking on this journey, it is important to understand the key steps involved in setting up a successful business.

First of all, you will need to obtain the necessary licenses and permits for your business. You should also look into local zoning laws and regulations that may affect where you can set up shop. Consider both brick-and-mortar stores as well as online stores; each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Research current trends in fashion and decide what type of clothing and accessories you will offer so that your store stands out from the competition.

Next, choose an optimal location for your store. Consider factors such as foot traffic, local demographics, nearby businesses (both competitors and complementary businesses), visibility from the street or sidewalk, parking availability, etc. If possible, try to locate near other popular boutiques; this could create a synergy that attracts more customers over time. Having an online presence is also important nowadays; make sure you factor this into your decision when choosing a location for your store.

Marketing is also essential for success as a boutique owner in 2023. You’ll need to think up creative ways of getting people interested in shopping at your store – consider things like social media campaigns, partnering with influencers/bloggers/vloggers who are passionate about fashion, offering special discounts or giveaways throughout the year to draw attention to your store, etc.. Additionally, don’t forget about traditional forms of marketing such as flyers distributed around town or newspaper ads placed periodically throughout the year – these can be effective ways of reaching potential customers too!

Finally, remember that running any kind of business requires hard work and dedication if it is going to succeed long-term. Aspiring boutique owners must remain dedicated to their goals even when times get tough; success often comes after many hours spent honing skills and learning new ones along the way!

Specialty Food Store Owner

For entrepreneurs looking to start a business in 2023, owning and operating a specialty food store is an excellent option. Specialty food stores offer customers the opportunity to purchase items that are not easily found in traditional supermarkets or other retail outlets. Starting such a business requires significant planning and research into the types of products you will offer, as well as the local market as a whole.

The first step when starting a specialty food store is to understand the target audience. Are you aiming at providing international fare for expats, focusing on organic groceries for health-conscious consumers, or stocking unique items for urban gourmands? Understanding who your customers are and what their needs are will help you determine which products to carry and how best to promote them.

Location selection is also critical for success: it must be in an area with enough foot traffic to draw new customers while also providing easy access from surrounding neighborhoods. Additionally, having good relationships with suppliers is key: make sure they can supply your store with quality merchandise at competitive prices. Once these decisions have been made, it’s time to create promotional materials such as flyers and advertisements that will draw attention to your store.

Finally, running a successful specialty food store requires more than just stocking shelves with goods; it involves customer service and creating an inviting atmosphere that encourages people to return again and again. This includes ensuring staff members are knowledgeable about the products sold in the store so they can answer questions and provide helpful advice when needed. Investing in technology like cash registers, POS systems, and inventory tracking systems can also help streamline operations while increasing efficiency levels within the shop.

By considering all aspects involved in setting up a specialty food store — from product selection and location scouting to customer service — entrepreneurs looking to become their own boss can rest assured that they’ve taken all necessary steps towards achieving success by 2023!

Food Truck Owner

Food trucks have become increasingly popular in the past few years, and entrepreneurs looking to enter the market in 2023 should take note. Owning a food truck business carries several advantages, such as less overhead cost than a brick and mortar restaurant, flexibility with regards to location, and catering opportunities.

The key to success is finding ways to stand out from the competition. This could mean investing in a unique menu item or having an interesting theme or concept for the truck. It is also important to have an effective marketing plan that targets potential customers and builds brand awareness. Additionally, having good relationships with food vendors will ensure access to quality ingredients at competitive prices.

To get started, entrepreneurs will need to register their business and obtain any necessary licenses or permits from local authorities prior to launching their food truck business. Additionally, they must purchase a vehicle (or lease one if needed) that meets all health regulations for preparing food safely on board and fulfill any other city ordinances regarding operating a mobile kitchen. Finally, it is essential for food truck owners to equip themselves with necessary software solutions such as GPS tracking systems and payment processing applications in order to streamline operations and maximize profits.

With careful planning and dedication, entrepreneurs can successfully launch their own food truck business by 2023. With the right strategies in place, they can build a successful venture that stands out from the competition while providing delicious meals on wheels!

Car-detailing Specialist

Starting a car-detailing specialist business in 2023 is an excellent choice for entrepreneurs looking to make their mark. Car detailing involves cleaning and restoring the interior and exterior of vehicles, and providing extra services such as waxing, polishing, dents removal and more. To start a successful business in this field, entrepreneurs must be knowledgeable about the materials used for cleaning and detailing cars, understand the latest trends in car care products, have an eye for detail, and possess strong customer service skills.

When starting a car-detailing specialist business in 2023, it is essential to obtain any necessary licenses or permits from local authorities. Additionally, entrepreneurs must invest in high-quality tools and supplies such as paint brushes and polishes; choose a location with enough foot traffic; develop promotional materials; invest in technology solutions to streamline operations; create a website to attract potential customers; set up social media accounts for marketing purposes; provide excellent customer service; establish relationships with local auto repair shops or dealerships; remain dedicated to the success of the business; and stay on top of industry trends.

With careful consideration of all aspects involved, entrepreneurs can successfully launch their own car-detailing specialist business by 2023. Doing so will enable them to reap the rewards of being their own boss while helping others keep their cars looking like new.

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